About Us
Your Child Is in Great Hands
All of a child's early experiences are educational. These will set the stage for the fist five years of development. We are very proud of our staff and take great pride in bringing you the safest, enriching environment and superior learning experience for your child(ren).

Our Mission
To provide the highest quality educational programming in a safe, nurturing child-centered environment that earns the trust of the children and families we serve.
Tiny Leaders Children's Center offers a safe, loving environment that allows your child to discover the world around them. We strive to give the best care in a nurturing, child-initiated play-based environment that fosters self-confidence, trust, creativity, and acceptance of individual differences. We allow each child to explore at his or her own pace while encouraging developmental milestones to be met. We focus on all areas of a child's development and make it a priority to know each child well.
Quality Stars
Here at TLCC we find the quality of our center and care we give to our families to be our main focus. We want to ensure our safety, curriculum, family engagement, leadership & management and professional development are at the highest caliber they can be. This is why we are a member of QUALITYstarsNY. We take great pride in earning each of our stars and bettering our center. We strive to implement best practice across the board. Along with quality stars our staff do extensive trainings throughout the year with OCFS & Childcare Council. We understand times are always changing and we want to adapt our center and staff to match those changes.
Health & Safety
We at Tiny Leaders know that education and development are important, but we know that nothing matters more than the safety, security and health of your child. That's why protection and preparedness are critical considerations in everything we do.
All staff at TLC goes through extensive training on health and safety practices. We train regularly on fire drills, shelter in place drills, and cleaning expectations.
Safety, security, and cleanliness practices that meet or exceed all state, local, and family guidelines are our number one priority when it comes to our school and your child(ren).

Core Values
We knew the values we held for our schools, educators, and expectations, but it was time we put set core values in place. Tiny Leaders wanted values that held a sense of shared responsibility and accountability amongst our employees and management team. We feel every important decision made at TLC should align with at least one of our core values.
We want to empower individual growth across our schools to help our staff have a drive behind their decisions.
To truly empower our employees, we turned to them. Who better to put in place our core values than our employees and management team? We wanted to hear from them what they want our school and a place they call home to represent.
We had a lengthy list of values with a Top 5 coming up repeatedly.
We are proud to introduce TLC’s Universal Core Values: